Posts Tagged ‘grocery’


weekend wrap-up

In Uncategorized on January 10, 2010 by Emily ( Tagged: , , , ,

happy sunday lovies. hope everyone had lovely weekends :) by the way it is 3 degrees right now.

what did i do? mini recap–well friday after class i got a ride home, went to the grocery store by myself (which i haven’t done in ages and i ended up being there for an hour and a half, gahh), didn’t measure my hummus or cream cheese, realized i’m orange again {my mom thinks i should lay off the carrots}!, fell asleep on the couch watching gran torinio. saturday my dad brought me back down to school, cause my friend was having a little party so i could meet some of her friends. now its sunday morning and i’m trying to figure out what i want to do with my day.

more on yesterday–>i treadmilled yesterday, probably the first time since july or august. there’s like a mini fitness center for my apartment complex so i thought i would check it out, cause i didn’t really want to walk all the way to the campus rec center. so how did it go? first off i felt like i was in a hotel, ha it’s tiny. i tried to read my accounting, but i bounce a lot while i walk so i just kind of skimmed. & yes i walked, i ran a little bit (like a total of 2 1/2 minutes). honestly i don’t know how i feel about it, i don’t exactly have the best relationship with exercise…i know its necessary, but i also feel like i can never do enough. i always find myself disappointed in my efforts. but i do have an urge to check out the campus rec center today…what to do what to do…
how do you handle exercise?

i also grabbed dinner with my friend last night, we went to potbelly’s, which was a first time for me. what’s great is that it wasn’t the end of the world. i got a sandwich and veggie soup and it was good :)

on the the little party–i had a good time! a first right?? it was nice cause there were only like 6 of us and we were just hanging out…& my friend loves wine so i didn’t have to refuse beer once, ha i even played some wine pong :) it was so nice that it was low key, and even though i was pretty much just meeting these people i felt fine about it. get this one of the girls actually goes to the culinary institute in new york! so cool!

that’s about all that’s going on over here, nothing too big of a deal. i do have some food finds :)

heart thrives!! they sell them in our quick marts :) i'm in love

oh and friday when i was at the grocery store for a million hours i grabbed something totally uncharacteristic. & i can’t wait to try it!

real candy! i had to get it, i never see the dark chocolate ones anywhere; totally an impulse buy only $0.50

to be honest i’m a bit weary about the reece’s, but there is no way i’m throwing it a way. i will take the step forward.

my plans for the day:

  • some laundry
  • textbook reading & homework
  • call and try to get a job
  • shower

exciting stuff right?? by the way i changed my email again. i know, i know –> :)

ps–the gorgeous katie is having a chobani giveaway!!

“I have discovered in life that there are ways of getting almost anywhere you want to go, if you really want to go.” — Langston Hughes

i think this quote has a lot to do with recovery. we all know it’s possible and that we can all do it, we just have to really want it. we can’t pretend we want it, we can’t half want it, we have to really want it.


uh title-less. lo siento

In Uncategorized on January 6, 2010 by Emily ( Tagged: , , , , , ,

happy hump day my beautiful people! i hope its warmer where you are, because it’s painfully cold here. i’m chilled to my bones, even though my mom says i’m too young for that.

well i went home yesterday. ridiculous i know, ha but one of my friends was leaving for school today, and she was picking up her jeans just a few exits away so she came by and grabbed me. its just so easy being so close to home. can you hear the smile in my voice?? i got to sleep in a warm room & just had to get up at 630 for my dad to drop me off on his way to work. only bummer was that i left my new tj spicy hummus at home. but no worries, i can nearly guarantee i’ll be back soon to rescue it :)

& yes my friend and i stopped by trader joe’s, its right across the street from the alternation place. all my idea. guilty as charged. i got some dried apricots, pomegranate greek yogurt {um delicious, hello!!}, spicy hummus, && INDIAN; by the way i tried it in the store [step forward Ed tells me this is notttt okay, he’s wrong]

the sample t'was delicious, i just had to buy it

today has just been spent going to my 2 classes. easy peasy.

one thing though–i got “caught” calorie counting. well, not really caught per say, but i was questioned & my answer was “oh, it’s nothing”, “no big deal”, “really don’t worry about it”


how embarrassing. part of me just wanted to explain the whole thing (Ed and all) when we walked back to the apartments, another part of me planned to lie and say i was balancing my expenses if he happened to ask about it again. i’m pretty sure neither option is the way to go. i’m glad it didn’t come up again. has this ever happened to you? & down to the root of it, calorie counting? ugghh!

to be honest today after my afternoon snack Ed told me i was done. done for the day. no one would know, i could just crawl into bed. i get pissed at myself for having these thoughts, but i allow them to happen. i have yet to find my spark to change.

aside from that jazz i’m all by my lonesome in my apartment at the moment [cougar town is on tonight with lisa kudro!! friends mini reunion, except not really, but i don’t care, i’m still excited!!]

want to see my place?? sure you do :)

my side of the room (my bed is so tall, definitely takes some climbing to get into, hah)

the kitchen!

did i tell you that a majority of my stuff was food?

top of my desk, just some happy things

well time to have a snack so i’m off :) hope everyone has a lovely night!!

“Be curious, not judgmental.” — Walt Whitman


i baked!

In Uncategorized on December 30, 2009 by Emily ( Tagged: , , , ,

mini blog hiatus…lo siento, i’ve been doing strange things, & trying to figure out the whole 2009 thing, let me tell you its a doozy. buttt—-

i know i know christmas is over, but i finally got up the nerve to bake :) Kristina from Stonyfield was wonderful to send me some Oikos coupons so i could try cooking with it, which is exactly what i did this afternoon!

so, here’s the deal all break i have been wanting to bake, but talking myself out of it because they things i want to bake my family always finds them strange. in the past i have baked delicious things but they go to waste, i get to scared to eat them and my family is too picky. so i’ve been avoiding baking all break. but today i decided enough was enough, i like to bake, so i’m going to bake, thank you very much.

the chosen recipe: smitten kitchen’s whole wheat apple muffins

[ps–her pictures are 10 million times better than mine, so check ’em out]

so i wrangled all the ingredients (which obviously meant going to the grocery store)

can you say jackpot?!

**cannot wait to try cinnamon raisin swirl, but i must wait until my white chocolate wonderful is gone…just one tablespoon away!

all the ingredients, yea sorry, it's not pretty

then i slaved over the mixer, chopped apples, measured yogurt, created a fun new snack :)

baking snack-age. apple peel yogurt scoops. genius.

pre-oven, they were super sticky but i managed to distribute the batter

and after a short 15 minutes they were finished!

right out of the oven, lumpy bliss :)

so there you have it. i baked.

but wait, there’s more! i ate. because bakers need to make sure they’ve created something delicious. and you know what, t’was fantastic if i do say so myself. what was your favorite baking experience this season??

now, i’m sure you’ve been wondering what in the world has been going on with me, okay maybe not, but whatever i’m telling you anyway.

i’ve been doing some stuff, went out to dinner with high school friends last night, seen a few movies (nine & blind side, both amazing, oh & the squeakwal), declined beer pong with my oldest friends at some random guys house, picked creamy tomato soup over the house salad at panera, yoga-ing, running errands, etc. all that plus eating too. have i been following my meal plan? not exactly. have i gained some weight? yes. am i terrified? yes.

so tomorrow is new years eve and i don’t have plans. i could call my two oldest friends and join whatever they’re doing, but at the moment i’m waiting for them to call me. i need to decide if i truly want to spend my new years with them, sure we pretty much always have, but these are the same people that i need to move on from. i can just spend new years with my family and start the year fresh, but i could be potentially holding myself back from a good time with friends. choices i don’t want to make.

oh and i think i’m moving into my new apartment saturday. 3 new roommates. ah.

& don’t worry the 2009 post is still coming. just have to figure out how to set it up.

love love beautifuls

oh doesn't everyone have a giant bowl of bars on their dresser? no? just me? oh well

yum coconut bliss giveaway!


its beginning to look a lot like christmas

In Uncategorized on December 21, 2009 by Emily ( Tagged: , , , , , ,

good morning lovelies! it’s christmas week! my mom is baking brownies, we’re watching regis and kelly minus regis, and my sister is hopping around the house doing cheerleading, pretty much because she is incapable of being still. ah to be home :)

another thing about being home–christmas tree!

our christmas tree :) hm for some reason it looks crooked...

now i just have to get my butt in gear and finish my shopping and wrapping. maybe today ;) any suggestions on what i could get my brother, he is 16…

&& today is my dad’s birthday so we have to figure out a birthday dinner since he can’t decide.

as for my meal plan i’ve been okay at following it, i’ve had trouble adding the luna bar i’m supposed to…but my youngest sister has been wonderful in making sure i fill in all my circles (i made pie charts to color in for each food group) she always remembers to ask each night, which i really love.

but yesterday had a big success:

um that would be chocolate milk & yes i totally lived

so delicious. i was really happy with this, because i realized i wanted it and immediately began thinking of things i could have instead to avoid it (a chocolate covered raisin, yeah just one, ridiculous) i then realized my ridiculousness because i can damn well have chocolate milk if i want it. so that is just what i did. guys it was wonderful. i encourage everyone to have something you want today, no matter what it is! because you can and you deserve it :)

other than that i have been hitting up the grocery store mucho, don’t worry i am going to put together some of my best purchases to show y’all cause they pretty much rock. quick question: i want to get some trader joe muffins for christmas breakfast, what kind are the best??

ah the other day i got my nails done with my oldest of friends, which was really nice, except it kind of made me realize how much things have changed. we are both different, which isn’t to say that’s bad, its just different. it’s actually really hard for me. in reality things have been different ever since we left for school way back in ’08. to me its like she’s moved on and gone forward and i haven’t and i need her more than she needs me. which is true, i now just have to work to move on and forward for myself.

as for my plans for the week: cleaning my room. sounds totally normal right? well my brother and i actually switched rooms (i was in the basement now i’m upstairs) so i have to go through all my things and transport them into my new room. i really want to keep my room as simple and “grown up” as possible, so i’m thinking i am going to have to throw out a lot, ahh!

well now that i’ve rambled on and on i shall let you go :) hope you are enjoying your time at home, or where ever you are ;)

“Knowing others is wisdom; Knowing the self is enlightenment; Mastering others requires force; Mastering the self needs strength” — Lao Tzu

remember the strength within yourself, because we are all stronger than we believe, i believe we are all on the journey to enlightenment.



In Uncategorized on December 12, 2009 by Emily ( Tagged: , , , , , ,

happy friday night my dears. thank you all so very much for the wonderful encouragement, it means so much. love all of you :)

at the moment i am very against studying for my finals, they are overwhelming me, which honestly is why i am blogging right now, so not to study.

finals start sunday–

finals schedule. ew.

right now i want to run, literally just run.

you know school has always been my thing, i.e. i can do school. no i don’t do it perfectly), but i was always able to do it. i was motivated to do my homework, now that’s gone. i don’t have much motivation to do anything. and my lack of motivation scares me. alas i’m probably just being dramatic because it’s friday night and i would rather be doing anything but studying.

but now i’m blank, i no longer have anything to say, to muse upon. i’m tired but i’m afraid if i go to sleep now i will just wake up early and have more saturday to deal with.

the plan: brush my teeth and return to accounting

sorry for the drama, today did begin nicely. i thought it would be a wonderful idea to study at barnes and nobel, so after breakfast i hopped on the bus to the mall. got myself a misto and studied stats. then i walked my booty over to bloomingfoods to get a sandwich for lunch (ha i wish i took a picture, i got all the veggies on it and it was so tall that a someone walked by and goes — “that’s quite a sandwich” ha). made some more purchases. took my butt to target to attempt to get reasonably priced groceries, then came back to my dorm. now i’ve just been studying and not studying.

i ate at bloomingfoods, and after i sat down there weren’t any extra tables, so woman sat with me. she was very sweet, sometimes when i’m at school i forget how nice it is to share meals with people. i’m surprised that it’s even nice with people you don’t know.

nutcracker sweet black tea, why has no one else on the blogs pointed this baby out. it. is. perfect. omg.

i’ll let you know about the gingerbread cliff, yet to try it, actually not quite sure if i’ve ever had gingerbread in my life. i grew up as a very picky child.

as for how i am feeling about yesterday. well i’m not really thinking about it, but in the shower this morning i did wonder what i had just done. i feel a little flip about it (no i do not know what i mean by flip).

hope everyone is having a wonderful night. my sincerest apologies for this blah-tastic post.


3 hour grocery trip

In Uncategorized on December 7, 2009 by Emily ( Tagged: , , , , , ,

hi loves!

like many of you out there i spent my weekend studying…but i still have one more week until finals actually start, this coming week is supposed to be “dead week” which means nothing to me.

so aside from the studying and basic hanging around entertaining myself, i went to the grocery store today. now i know i have mentioned before that it takes me about 3 hours to go to the grocery, but today i thought i would show you! (i know you are very excited, i can just sense it)

10:20am–left my room to head to the bus stop down the hill

the frozen tundra

10:35am–chilled all the library (its heated)

has become one of my least favorite places. thank you group projects.

10:55am–bus came, rode it to the car dealership

i think it would be nice if i owned one of these cars so i could drive to the grocery store.

11:11am–made it to kroger

these trees made me sad :(

then i wandered about the giant kroger, with my list (very important in ensuring that i don’t spend forever looking at everything). i found some very adorable apples.

mini apple!! i may have squealed just a little bit when i saw it.

so after dilly dallying around i finally filled my cart and paid like a million dollars! (but hey i saved $14.80 with my kroger plus card & coupons) i think it was like 12:20ish

the cart.

suited back up in my marshmallow coat, ran to the bus sitting at the bus stop, sat on the bus while it waited for 10 minutes, then we left for campus.

chilling on the immobile bus with my scuzzy uggs.

now i was on a B bus which goes up north jordan then back down jordan (i know this means nothing to you). point of that was that i got antsy in my leggings and got off the bus at the very end of north jordan while we sat and waited to move again. for some reason i thought it was pretty close to my dorm. wrong. i walked down north jordan & across 17th to finally made it back to my room. well that took like 45 minutes, & the bus i was on definitely passed me as i walked down north jordan.

needless to say i was tiredd & hungry when i finally got back to my room.

oh i didn't tell you i carry my groceries in my backpack...what a nerd.


so there you have it 10:35 to 1:35 emily’s grocery adventure.

super exciting right? well maybe not, but necessary. now i must say these weekly grocery trips have taught me a few things, ready?

  1. i can survive about anything
  2. things don’t have to be ideal to work
  3. i’m stubborn (how bout we attribute that to the fact that i am a tried and true taurus)
  4. food is expensive but that is not a reason not to eat it

oh i’ve been scarf-fing it up the past two days (these may or may not be the only scarves i have at school)

study scarf. if only it would make studying easier.

bundling up scarf (always surprises me that it actually keeps me warm, hah)

time for me to pass out, i think i am getting a cold (ahhh!) so i had some sleepytime tea and nyquill. can hardly keep my eyes open, pulled through desperate housewives and brothers & sisters though, been looking forward to those all day :) the drama did not disappoint!

now my bloggies, what are your favorite ridiculous television shows? i only ask because i realized i really like “sex rehab with dr. drew” on vh1, yesterday i even did some yoga/sex rehab. no shame.

wishing everyone the best of luck this week! may the peace be with you :)

“Do one thing every day that scares you.” –Elanor Roosevelt

ps–i have a new goal.


wrapping up the weekend

In Uncategorized on November 8, 2009 by Emily ( Tagged: , , , , ,

good evening lovelies! i am happy to report that last night was a success. i went to see a university players production, they put on a series of 10 minute student plays. (the room was packed & we had to sit on the floor, boy did my bottom hurt!!) there was one about avoiding reality, one about cannibalism, one about the thought process of college guys. pretty interesting, everyone was very good.

even though we only stayed for the first half, i’m glad i went. i had a nice time with a friend and wore an actual outfit ;)


since it was warm i finally got to wear my cute kensie sweater :) + new jeans

after the play i did my laundry, almost fell asleep in the middle, & had a strange encounter with some drunk guys on the elevator:

drunk guys: “heyyy, how are you doing?” giggle giggle.

me: “i’m fineee.”

drunk guys: “oh, she’s meann…” all look at each other

me: “yep, i’m a bitch.”

drunk guys: jaws on the floor…”sorry?”

haha i really got a good chuckle out of that. & i totally took it as a step forward to finding my confidence. a month of go i would have stayed silent and waited dreadfully for the elevator ride to end. instead i decided to amuse myself by confusing the poor drunk boys.

oh earlier this week i was feeling creative so i spiced veggie-d up some chicken noodle soup :)


chicken noodle soup base + steamed mushrooms, broccoli, red peppers, peas, chickpeas, & the stunner--SWISS

you see i like to have soup for dinner because its easy & its tasty. but i also know it is not the most substantial of meals, so i’ve started bulking it up with more veggies & swiss. i have not regretted it one bit :)

also, yesterday i was quite excited to see that our c-store has stocked up on some of awesome eats. since i am running out of meal points i bought as little as i could but these were calling my name–


yum yum nice & crunchy, i suggest you buy them :)

they also have zevia root beer, banana nut larabars, nuts over chocolate lunas, multiple cliffs, amy’s soups, & more. why are they just now (when i have to budget my meal points) getting these fantastic eats??


hmm how did this get in here? haha oatmeal chocolate chip yumm

but you know even after my c-store purchases, i still felt the need to go to the grocery today…not the most exciting purchases, but the essentials.

i’m so glad you guys liked my happy & healthy list :) it’s so great to hear that everyone is going to try them out!

i’m going to start this week with a goal in mind–

12. Every morning when you wake up, thank your body for resting and rejuvenating itself so you can enjoy the day.

i have found myself resenting waking up lately. i get angry because i wake up “too early”, especially weekends. i’ve seemed to create an ideal that i should be up late on weekends, but my body kind of works like clockwork and generally wake up and go to bed around the same time every night. that’s a good thing right? to some, but i’m a college student and things get done during the night. there are parties during the night. i miss these parties because i fall asleep, i.e i don’t go out because i know that i need to get to bed. i also worry that i will eat to much if i’m up to late. this is all irrational ramblings, ugh i’m just trying to sort it out. long story short, i plan to thank my body for resting every morning when i wake up.

ps–this is the coffee i am am currently enjoying in the morning time, it’s the special blend :)


tastes exactly how coffee should, just brew & add milk; makes for a happy morning :)

hmm i have found this post to be quite random…and i think i will end it that way. i totally had dinner with two friends tonight at the food court. score ;)

do you have any goals for the week? what are you looking forward to right at this moment?

right at this moment i am looking forward to sitting in my family room with my family, ahh going home for thanksgiving in 11 10 days!

What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday, and our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow: Our life is the creation of our mind.



In Uncategorized on November 2, 2009 by Emily ( Tagged: , , , , ,

happy monday everyone (oxymoron, right?)

i think i turned into a 50 year old woman over night because i woke up an hour early burning up! it was like i was on fire all morning, very strange because i am usually cold at average temperatures. my mom was thinking that maybe my hormones are changing it up a bit, because i don’t think i’m getting sick. has this happened to anyone else? “hot flashes”?

anyway, my banana in my oats was super ripe!


he may be ugly on the outside, but he was super sweet on the inside :)

well in regards to the title of my post i had spent sometime thinking this morning (one of my morning classes was cancelled since we had a test yesterday afternoon). i committed myself to gaining, i’ve been letting Ed convince me that maintaining was fine. but i realized that my efforts to “maintain” stress me the hell out, i worry about getting to much of any one food group and ignore my desires and hunger cues. i eat enough, but never “too much”. but right now at this moment in my life i can’t really eat to much and i would feel better if i ate more. so that is what i am going to do. and i am going to fight Ed and his voice that tells me that i am wrong. Ed can go fly an eff-ing kite.

the stress of the past few weeks has deterred me from recovery. i was looking over my earlier posts and they really helped to re-motivate me. i want to be here and now. i want to be free.

&& what do you know i made it out to the grocery today, purchasing highlights–

  • real swiss cheese
  • oatmeal chocolate chip cookies (big plans for my oats tomorrow!)

good old swiss made it into my dinner:


mini freak out moment…the swiss cheese is huge, just the way it is sliced it’s the biggest slice of cheese i’ve ever seen. Ed told me only to put half on my toast, i chose to ignore him and eat the entire slice, win!

i hope everyone had a wonderful day and is realizing the importance of committing to yourself and your needs. its your life and you should be the only one living it, don’t let Ed live it for you.

at the moment my week looks to have minimal stress, YAY! && thanksgiving break is only 17 days away, i cannot wait!

sleep tight lovelies :)

pear alert ♥


a match made in heaven ;)

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.


nice to see you

In Uncategorized on October 26, 2009 by Emily ( Tagged: , , , , , ,

good afternoon fellow bloggies :) how is everyone’s monday so far? yay? nay? okay? haha okay thats enough.

thank you everyone for your support with my whole friends situation, i have a really hard time putting myself out there, but you know what like my mom was telling me yesterday i have nothing to lose. really, in the whole scheme of things i am only going to be here for like 7 more weeks, that’s it. asking people to hang out with me is not going to kill me, if it makes them think i’m lame, who cares! and you never know i might actually enjoy myself and get to know more people. they could also look at me like a charity case and feel sorry for me not having anything to do and secretly laugh at me while i’m not around. i am choosing to look at it from the positive perspective.

as for my weekend after friday, eh it was uneventful. saturday night the girls in the room next to me had a bunch of smirnoff ices and gave me one (which was so nice of them to share, freshman often do not like to share their alcohol) i was studying so i took it back to my room and then stupid Ed got the best of me. i didn’t drink it because it wasnt light…and i went to my room so that i didn’t have to drink it. i would have had a hell of a lot more fun had i just hung out with them in their room and chilled. but i apparently decided that it was much more important for me to study on a saturday night. UGH! why do i do this?

sunday i made it out to the grocery store, and boy did it feel good. i had quite the hay day just getting whatever i wanted :) 

can you obsessed?

can you obsessed?

buy one get one free at kroger && i had a coupon! i love being a smart shopper!

so i had to incorporate pears into my post somehow, right?

so i had to incorporate pears into my post somehow, right?

boy oh boy was this good! sweet and simple. YUM!

i spent the rest of my yesterday studying, ha what’s new!?

&& i was in the mood for some really relaxing yoga last night so i listen to some traditional yoga-ish music and was all about it! i set my intention to let go and feel positive in the now, it felt so good.

then it was desperate housewives & brother’s&sister’s time. obviously snack time too :)

delicious snack, breaking all the rules :)

delicious snack, breaking all the rules :)

yep this was totally breaking my rules (i realize my silliness in having these rules as i type this out, but whatevers)–almond butter out of the jar! yogurt in the container! jelly in the yogurt instead of some actual fruit! ah honey gram bears! it was so so yummy & satisfying :)

i tested out one of these bad boys too:

yum yum soo glad i bought this

yum yum soo glad i bought this

&& i totally believe i slept better last night since i drank this, haha its all in my head!

flash forward to today and i’m just hanging out in my room, contemplating whether i really need to go to stats in a little bit…i’m really leaning towards skipping :/ not a fan of my professor

as for tonight i am going to a formal dinner at one of the 19 sororities on campus. purely to have dinner with people and do some meaningless chatting…i will not be mentioning that i am transferring at semester, they may not like that.

then its group meeting time, exciting right? the 25 page report is due thursday and we have a lot of work ahead of us, so group time is going to be to the max. i really hope we can get it all done without any all nighters…

hmm i think that may be all i have for now. gracias por/para reading (got to love spanglish!)

now is this just me??

i live on my bed--its a: desk, couch, kitchen table, the list goes on

i live on my bed--its a: desk, couch, kitchen table, the list goes on

being in a dorm room there is not much space to go around, so it seems like i’m always on my bed! (feel free to ignore the tweety bird blanket)

hope everyone has a MARVELOUS MONDAY!!

*pet peeve alert: i understand that it is nice outside, i very much so appreciate it, but it does not mean it is warm enough to wear shortt shorts & a measly t-shirt….cough cough i’m talking to you roommate!